Sanchin | Kanshiwa | Kanshu | Seichin
Bow. Feet apart. Hands on hips. Right foot forward. Strike. Squeeze. Up and open.
Left Sanchin strike. Left Sanchin step.
Right Sanchin strike. Right Sanchin step.
Left Sanchin strike. Left Sanchrn step.
Right Sanchin strike.
Sanchin turn (right foot forward, facing the back).
Left Sanchin strike. Left Sanchin step.
Right Sanchin strike. Right Sanchin step.
Left Sanchin strike. Left Sanchin step.
Right Sanchin strike.
Sanchin turn (rigtrt foot forward, facing the front).
Left Sanchn strike. Left Sanchin step.
Right Sanchin strike. Right Sanchin step.
Left Sanchin strike. Left Sanchin step.
Right Sanchin strike.
Double strike. Squeeze into fists and pull back.
Doubte strike. Squeeze into fists and pull back.
Double strike. Post
Step off to the left (left foot forward). Drop left hand. Wyuke block.
Step off to the right (right foot forward). Drop right hand. Wyuke block.
Step off to the front (left foot forward). Drop left hmd. Wyuke block. Neutral stance (right hand makes a fist, left hand covers).
Attention. Bow.
Bow. Feet apart Post off with hands.
Step off to the left (left foot forward). Left circle block, right punch.
Step off to the right (right foot forward). Right circle block, left punch.
Step off to the front (left foot forward). Left circle block, right punch.
Right Sanchin step. Right circle block. Right side snap kick.
Left Sanchin step. Left circle block. Left side snap kick.
Left circle block into club attack. Right elbow. Right backfist.
Sanchin turn (left foot forward, facing the back).
Slide forward. Left Wyuke block.
Right Sanchin step. Right Wyuke block.
Left Sanchin step. Left Wyuke btock.
Right Sanchin step. Left circle. Right shuto strike. Right backfist.
Sanchin turn (left foot forward, facing the front).
Left circle block. Left front kick.
Slide forward. Left circle block. Right shoken strike.
Slide back.
Neutral stance (both hands make shoken strikes, right hand on top of left; knuckles to knuckles).
Attention. Bow.
Bow. Feet apart. Hands on hips. Right foot forward Strike Squeeze Up and open.
Left Sanshin Strike.
Slide forward. Double uraken temple strike. Cross (left in front of right, palms facing in). Break.
Slide forward- Right backfist.
Left Sanchin step. Left circle block. Left front kick.
Right Sanchin step. Right circle block. Right front kick.
Left circle block. Right tetsui strike.
Right circle block. Left boshiken strike.
Left circle block. Right nukite strike.
Sancnin turn (Left foot forward, facing the back).
Right Sanchin strike.
Slide forward. Left circle block. Right nukite strike.
Right Sanchin step. Right circle block. Left nukite strike.
Left Sanchin step. Left circle block. Right nukite strike.
Step off to the left (left foot forward). Left Wyuke block.
Step off to the right (right foot forward). Right Wyuke block.
Pivot to the back. Right Sanchin step. Double snapping high block (uraken fists).
Sanchin turn (left foot forward, facing the front). Left circle. Left front kick.
Right Sanchin step. Left circle block, into club attack.
Right elbow strike. Right backfist. Right shoken strike.
Slide right foot back to neutral stance (right hand up. left hand down).
Attention. Bow.
Bow, feet apart, hands up, right foot forward
Right snapping high block. Right hiraken strike, step through with left foot
Left snapping high block, Left hiraken strike,
45 degree turn left, left circle, right kick
45 degree turn right, right circle, left kick
Step through with left foot, left wrist block
Step through with right foot, right wrist block
Cross arms, hands in hiraken fists
Turn to the rear. break into sancnin (still with hiraken fists)
Slide forward, hands on hips, Strike with double nukites, pull up into double shokens
Turn to the left, club attack (left circle, wide "L" stance), right elbow strike
Slide up (right foot remains forward), right circle, left boshiken, left circle, right nukite
Sanchin turn, left circle, left kick
Pivot to back, snapping high block, right hand over left (knee block)
Throat strike, right knee strike, place right foot down, koken tsuki (left front, right to rear)
Sanchin turn, koken tsuki (left front, right to rear), left circle
Pivot to left, raise left knee to left elbow, Seichin block
Sanchin turn, raise right knee to right elbow, Seichin block
Pivot to front, step through with right foot, snapping front finger strikes
Step back with right foot, chamber right Sanchin strike, left elbow to left knee (hold)
Scoop down with cupped left hand, right circle block
Step into right club attack (left circle), right elbow
Slide up. right circle, left shoken, left circle, right shoken
Step back into left stance, step back into neutral stance
Attention (bring left foot to right foot), and bow