Uechi Ryu Terms and History
General Information | Uechi Ryu History | Uechi Kata | Teachers & Lineage | Strikes | Blocks | Kicks
General Information
What is karate?
Karate is an unarmed or empty-handed method of self-defense,
stressing evasion, blocking, striking, and kicking.
What does the word karate mean?
Chinese hand (original) or empty hand (current).
What is karate-do?
"The way of karate", or karate as a way of life. It means
the ability to use the skills acquired in karate in your
everyday life.
What are some
karate skills that can be applied to your everyday life?
Awareness, calmness, passiveness, confidence, mental
stamina, physical strength.
What is Uechi-ryu karate?
A classical Chinese-Okinawan system of self-defense.
What does ryu mean?
Style. So Uechi-ryu karate means Uechi-style
What is the original Chinese name for
the system of karate we study?
Pangainoon, meaning "half-hard, half-soft" — the idea of a
hard outer shell of muscle, while breathing to remain soft
on the inside.
What are the three animals that
represent our style?
Tiger, Crane, and Dragon.
What does the tiger symbolize?
Determination, speed, strength, stamina.
What does the crane symbolize?
Balance, and blocking with it wings.
What does the dragon symbolize?
Strength and breathing.
What country is considered to be the
birth place of martial arts?
How was karate first introduced
outside of China, and by whom?
Okinawan karate was first introduced to Japan in the
late-1800's by Okinawan Gichin Funakoshi, who studied a form
of Chinese boxing.
When was the name Uechi-ryu first
In 1948 Kanbun Uechi died, and out of respect his students
renamed the style of karate from Pangainoon to Uechi-ryu.
Who is Kanbun Uechi?
The founder of our style. An Okinawan, Kanbun Uechi studied
Pangainoon in China for 10 years and taught for 3 years
more, before returning to Okinawa.
What is a karate uniform called?
What is a karate belt called?
What does the word dojo mean?
Way-place or Training hall
What does the word Kyu mean?
Junior or beginner
Name the Kyu ranks.
Jukyu, Kyukyu, Hachikyu Sichikyu, Rokyu, Gokyu, Yonkyu,
Sankyu, Nikyu, Ikkyu
Name the Dan ranks.
Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan, Godan, Rokudan, Sichidan,
Hachidan, Kyudan Judan
Name the Master titles.
Renshi, Kyoshi, Hanshi, Hanshi, Hanshi-sei
What does kotekitae mean?
Arm pounding and arm rubbing exercise
What does kumite mean?
To cross hands
What is free sparring called?
Jiyu kumite
What is prearranged sparring called?
Yakusoku Kumite
What does the word mushin mean?
No mindedness — to clear your mind of all distractions.
Why is it important to develop mushin?
So that you can remain calm, fluid, aware, and act without
conscious thought.
What does the term min-chin-chu-ryu
It is a phrase used by Kanbun Uechi to describe Pangainoon,
meaning "speed with a glare".
What is Pangainoon?
The style of Chinese boxing taught to Kanbun Uechi by ZhouZi
He, now called Uechi-ryu karate.
What does Pangainoon mean?
Half-hard, half-soft style.
What is the capital city of Okinawa?
Where was Kanbun's dojo located?
Futenma, Okinawa
What does the word soke mean?
Head of family, founding father - Mr. Uechi
What does the word butokukai mean?
The gathering of schools that practice the virtues of
Martial arts
What does the word shubukan mean?
What is the purpose of belts and the
ranking system
It motivates some students, and is a form of recognition of
a students's progress. It also gives students a general idea
of each other's knowledge and skills.
Teachers & Lineage
What is Mr. Kessler's rank and tiltle?
Rokudan (6th Degree - Renshi)
Who is Mr. Kessler's Teacher?
Mr. Mike Rozumek .
What is Mr. Rozumek's Rank and Title?
Sichidan (7th Degree - Kyoshi)
What is Mr. Durkin's Rank and Title?
Judan (10th Degree - Hanshi-sei)
Who was Mr. Durkins Teacher?
Mr. Goerge Mattson.
What is Mr. Mattson's Rank and Title?
Judan (10th degree - Hanshi-sei)
Who was Mr. Mattson's Teacher?
Mr Ryuko Tomoyose of Okinawa.
Who was Mr. Tomoyose Teacher?
Mr. Kanei Uechi and Mr. Ryuyu Tomoyose
Who was Mr. Kanei Uechi's Teacher?
Mr. Kanbun Uechi
What was Mr. Kanei Uechi's Rank?
Judan (10th Degree)
What was Mr. Kanbun Uechi rank?
Judan (10th Degree)
Who was Mr. Kanbun Uechi Teacher?
Mr. Zhou Zi He, (commonly know as Shushiwa), of Fuchow city
in Fukien providence of China
Who first brought Uechi-Ryu katrate to
the United States?
Mr. George Mattson, in 1958
Who first introduced Okinawan karate
to Japan?
Mr. Gichin Funaloshi, founder of the Shotokan style.
When was Kanbun Uechi born and when
did he die?
May 5, 1877 to November 25,1948.
When was Kanei Uechi horn and when did
he die?
June 26, 1911 to Feb 24, 1991.
When was Kamei Uechi born?
May 10, 1941
When was George Mattson born?
What is the Japanese word for block?
What is a snapping block called?
Hajiki Uke
What is a down block called?
Gedanbarai Uke
What is a circle block called?
Hiratemawashi Uke
Uechi Ryu History
Where was Kaubun Uechi born, and who
were his parents?
Kanbun was born is Izumi village on the island of Okinawa.
His parents were Kantoku and Tsuru, descendants of a samurai
How and when did Kanbun Uechi begin
his study of Pangainoon?
In March 1897, Kanbun Uechi traveled to the city of Fuzhou
in southern Fujian province, China. There he met Zhou Zi He,
and began his study of Pangainoon.
What styles of kempo did Zhou Zi He
Shaolin Fist, Iron Palm, and Tiger Fist.
How long did Kanbun study in China?
For 13 years, 10 as a student of Zhou Zi He, 3 as a teacher.
When did Kanbun begin teaching?
In 1907, in Nansoe China.
Why did Kanbun leave China?
During a drought, one of his students became involved in a
fight over land, and killed his attacker. Due to public
scorn and shame over the attack, Kanbun left China.
When did Kanbun return to Okinawa?
February 1910, at the age of 33.
When did Kanbun marry?
May 1910, to Toyama Gozei.
When and how did Kanbun begin teaching
In 1924, Kanbun went to Wakayama, Japan to work as a janitor
in a cotton mill. There he met Ryuyu Tomoyose and was
convinced to begin teaching again.
When and where did Kanbun open his
first school?
In 1926 he opened me Shataku Dojo, a small school in the
Wayama cotton mill.
When did Kanei Uechi begin his study?
In 1927, at the Shataku Dojo.
When did Kanbun open his first
official school and begin teaching Pangainoon-ryu?
April 1932, Kanbun opened an official school at a migrant
camp for Okinawan workers.
When did Kanei marry?
October 1939, to Nakahara Shige
When did Kanei return to Okinawa?
April 1942, when his students were called into military
service. Kanei returned to Nago, Okinawa and begins teaching
Uechi-ryu in Okinawa.
When did Kanbun return to Okinawa?
October 1946, at age 69, Kanbun left his school to Ryuyu
Tomoyose and returned to Okinawa with students Shinjo Seiryo
and Seiyu.
When did George Mattson begin his
study of Uechi-ryu?
Winter 1956, at the age of 19. He studied for about one and
a half years under Ryuko Tomoyose.
When did George Mattson begin teaching
Uechi-ryu in America?
Summer 1958, in Boston. This is the first time that
Uechi-ryu is taught in America.
When was Kanei promoted to Judan?
February 1967 (Japan) and April 1967 (Okinawa)
When was Uechi-ryu first taught
outside of China?
1924, by Kanbun Uechi, in Wayama, Japan
When was Uechi-ryu first taught in
1942, by KaneiUechi, in Nago, Okinawa
When was Uechi-ryu first taught in
1958, by George Mattson, in Boston, Mass.
Uechi Kata
What does the word kata mean?
Mold or form—a choreographed routine of steps, turns,
blocks, strikes, and kicks.
How many kata are in Uecht-ryu karate?
What are the three main kata?
Sanchin, Seisan, Sanseiryu.
Name the Uechi-Ryu kata.
Sanchin, kanshiwa, Kanchu, Seichin, Seisan, Seiryu, Kanchin,
What does Sanchin mean?
Three modes or three conflicts: mind, body, and spirit.
What does Kanshiwa mean?
Combination of two names: Kanbun and Shushiwa.
What does Kanshu mean?
Combination of two names:Kanbun and Shushiwa.
What does Seichin mean?
Combination of two katas: Seisan and Sanchin.
What does Seisan mean?
13 positions of attack and defense.
What does Seiryu mean?
16 positions of attack and defense.
What does Kanchin mean?
Combination of the name Kanbun Uechi and Sanchin kata.
What does Sanseiryu mean?
36 postitions of attack and defense
What kata and technique did Kanbun
Uechi bring back from China?
Sanchin, Seisan, Sanseiryu, Kotekitae (arm pounding), and
Jiyu-kunite (freestyle sparring)
What kata did Kanei Uechi add to our
Kanshiwa, Kanchu, Seichin, Seiriyu,Kanchin.
What does bunkai mean?
Analysis or application of kata.
Which Uechi-ryu katas have formal
Kanshiwa, Seisan, Sanseiryu.
What is the original name of Kanshiwa?
What is the original name of Kanchu?
Daini (second or little) Seisan.
Strikes, Blocks and Kicks
What is a straight punch called?
Seiken tsuki
What is a chopping strike called?
Shuto uchi
What is a hammer fist called?
Tettsui uchi
What is a thumb knuckle (palm heel)
strike called?
What is an open hand finger strike
What is a one-knuckle strike called?
Shoken tsuki
What is a fore-knuckle strike called?
Hiraken tsuki
What is an elbow strike called?
Hiji tsuki
What is a back-fist strike called?
Uraken tsuki
What is a cupped hand strike called?
Koken tsuki
What is a crane beak strike called?
What is a ridge-hand strike called?
Name the eight Uechi kicks.
Shomen Geri, Sokuto Geri, Mawashi Geri, Tobi Geri, Ushiro
Geri, Hiza Geri, Suksen Geri, Yoko Geri
What is a Shomen Geri?
Front kick
What is a Sokuto Geri?
Side snapping kick
What is a Mawashi Geri?
Roundhouse kick
What is a Tobi Geri?
Jumping kick
What is a Ushiro Geri?
Back kick
What is a Hiza Geri?
Knee strike (kick)
What is a Suksen Geri?
Toe kick
What is a Yoko Geri?
Side thrust kick